Adax products are ideally suited for today's demanding marketplace and its individual segments. Whether it's the booming Internet\Intranet market or the telephone network infrastructure, Adax products are the most cost effective, high performance solution available. Off-the-shelf, Adax is able to build economical access switches as well. No other company brings you the breadth of experience and expertise from one source.
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In 1982 Adax Inc. was founded to meet the wide-area communication needs of the then emerging UNIX market. In the years shortly preceding Adax's founding, the CCITT, now ITU, international public data networks, and the United States Defense Data Network adopted the X.25 protocol as a standard. Adax's visionary hardware/software solution started with X.25 and has since evolved with the International Telecommunications Union and the industry to support all major communications protocols, such as Frame Relay, PPP, TCP/IP, SS7 and now ATM.
To meet growing international demand, Adax Europe was founded in October of 1990 to provide direct sales, marketing and technical support to Adax's European customers and the European market in general.
Distribution Channels
Adax works directly with VARS and OEMs worldwide.
The company sells and supports its High Performance WAN products through direct sales and independent distributors.
International Operations
Adax Europe, Ltd.,
1 Southview Park Caversham
Reading, Berkshire UK
Telephone +44 1734 484444 Fax +44 1734 464922
Email: info@adax.co.uk
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